In 1930, near the farm “Vīnkalni”, white mulberry trees (Morus alba L) were planted and now have grown to a height of 4–8 metres. In China, the birthplace of white mulberry, it is cultivated to serve as food for silk moths. Back when these trees were planted, it was believed, that silk could be produced also in Latvia. Currently, 43 white mulberry trees, which have survived the very tough weather conditions, continue growing here. There are the white and black mulberry trees growing in the municipality of Cēre. They bloom at the end of May (leaves and flowers together) and they yield each year – dark purple berries resembling blackberries and are sweet and sour to taste.
Contact information„Vīnkalni”, Cēres parish, Tukums region |
Phone(+371) 26133879 |