


The Small Celebration of the Long Summer in Tukums, July 22 and 23

The Culture Centre of Tukums started its cycle of events of 2022 “Let's meet in Tukums” (Tiekamies Tukumā) with a hashtag #garavasara (#longsummer). Event organisers chose to name the weekend of July 22 and 23 “the little celebration” because they will invite to intimate, sensual and ambient concerts, exhibitions and other events for each and every taste. Hence the name – “The Small Celebration of the Long Summer in Tukums”.

The festive emotions will light up in three venues – Brīvības Square, City Park and “Tukku Magi" territory. All events will be available for audience free of charge.

In the evening of Friday, July 22, the opening of celebration will start in Brīvības Square where Tukums Museum is going to open an exhibition “Signs of Time of Dutchy in Tukums". Meanwhile the concert “Only for You with Us” will feature musicians originally coming from Tukums – Rihards Jakuško, Beāte Meirāne, Matīss Žilinskis, Rihards Saule, Vilnis Prancāns and author of the concert Gunta Menģele. In the final part of the event the band “Mākoņstūmēji" will invite everyone to the ball.

On Saturday, July 23, near the Tukums Palace Tower (Pils tornis) everyone will have an opportunity to time-travel to Tobago. The Brīvības square will host the day market with the band “Ziņģes brāļi” cheering up the public, and also the night market with the band of Juris Rozenbergs inviting the visitors to dance. Various musical surprises will pop up over the course of the day on the stage in the city centre.

A special night of sensations is planned in the territory of world's culture space “Tukku Magi” on July 23. The court-yard of former Zēbergs Ferment Factory will boast with jazz rhythms and melodies performed by Evilena Protektore, Marika Šaripo and Kārlis Mangulsons, as well as Edvards Grieze, Daniēls Pelcis, Artem Sarvi and Sigvards Dižais. As the dusk turns into night, DJ Intars Miķelsons will put on his vinyls for a genuine disco night. A café and unique historical cinema will be open all evening in “Tukku Magi".

The most extensive programme is scheduled for Saturday, July 23 in Tukums Town Park. There will be streetball games, a wonderful festive programme for children together with “Pasaku nams" as the opening events. But closer to the evening, the ambient concerts will be performed by an actor, festival moderator Ainārs Ančevskis and band “Miera vējos" and a duet “Neprāts". “Oranžo meiteņu trio", Ieva Sutugova, Kristīne Zaharova, Mārtiņš Kanters, Dainis Skutelis and “Vintāža" will perform the concert programme “About summer, flowers and love” in the city park. The zenith of the evening will come with “Pienvedēja piedzīvojumi" and the most beloved songs from Arstaruslmirus’ album “Skatu punkti” as well as rock music hour with the band “Colt". DJ Roberts Lejasmeijers will take care of the after-midnight party.


The festive cycle “Let's meet in Tukums” is organised by Tukums Culture Centre under the lead of the producer Liene Bēniņa. They are supported by Tukums County Municipality, Tukums Tourism Information Centre, Tukums Museum, community "Radi Tukku Magi", "Advertex", "Dekšņi", "Telms", "Tukuma piens", café "Terase" and "Neatkarīgās Tukuma Ziņas".